It was the age of happy meals, imagination, and superheroes. It was so easy then to trust in God and put our lives wholeheartedly in His hands. He was God, and in that simple and innocent stage, we were wiser than we are now because we knew, without a doubt, that as God, He can really do anything, and as Father, He loves us enough to actually listen and answer.
I remember one particular incident then, when my family was in chaos. Everyone seemed angry or hurt. There was a lot of crying, shouting, and drama. As a child, I saw it as a possible breaking point for the family. There was a very real possibility that the whole family will be broken and will live with hate or bitterness their entire lives. At the time, I didn't know the difference between Catholic, Christian, Muslim, or Buddhist. There was only one thing clear to me: I had a Father who was all powerful, and who loved each one of us. I prayed then. I prayed like most children probably do, just with more fervor and more belief in my heart than ever. There was a desperation at the edge of my pleas, and a cry behind my "Our Father". (Yes, lots of times I was speaking the "Our Father" while my heart and brain was imploring God and reaching out to Him about the plight of my family.)
It was wonderful. After some time, God caused steel hearts to be melted, and my family came back together. When you ask them now, they'll tell you that we weathered that storm on our own; that fortunate events helped heal that gash. But I tell you it was much more than that. There was a Hand which caused everything to happen, and it was a loving hand bent on righting everything. Why did I have to go through that? The answer is similar to one of people's favorite question: Why do we have to suffer? (I'll post a fresh entry about this topic. ;) ) Because without that, I wouldn't have been able to share with you this story. A story which proved that God listens and takes actions.
smile and God bless!
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